Muir Woods

10 05 2012

Muir Woods, a wonderous forest land right here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Who would think that 30 minutes out of Sausalito are thick lush forests full of trails for hiking?

A few weeks ago, we took our eldest grandchild for her first venture into the woods. Granted it’s a controlled environment, but she is only 5. At the main gate, the rangers offered a treasure map of sorts for children (we had already found it online). This particular map was so much fun. Even us the supposed adults got a kick out of it. As you walk along the path, there are numbered posts and plaques where the little one had to find particular clues to solve the puzzle of opening the treasure chest. This little girl got them all. She proudly showed her prize to the rangers at the main gate as we exited. Ok so that part is the short version.

As we spent a few hours walking along and doing the clues, I was playing with  my camera as I am an amateur photographer. There is plenty of nature to fill your camera card with. Trees, flowers, water, birds and that is just the beginning of the list. I was amazed at the draw Muir has for out of country guests. We heard french, italian and russian. There were languages we could not identify. It’s definitely a diverse environment of cultures as a tourist spot.

Two things  you should know. First is to get there early. I mean no later than 9AM. The parking is limited, and the tour busses take up a lot of room. Second is to pack your food. They do have a small cafe, but it is hideously expensive and not very good. $7 for a hot dog is a bit much.

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